What is Ψ(t) ?
The Physics Society of IISER Thiruvananthapuram - PSI(T) has been an open organization under the guidance of the School of Physics with the primary objective of promoting Physics among students across all levels.
It aims to serve as a friendly platform that promotes conceptually intriguing and thought-provoking discussions to facilitate learning and coursework.
Recent Events
PSI(T) launched its brand new talk series on electives, on the 1st of September, with the topic in discussion being Quantum Field Theory presented by Sharang R. Iyer, a fifth year BS-MS Student.
Read MoreIt is evident that whenever quantum physicists give an object or phenomena the title of “quantum”, chances are that it serves as a window into a mysterious world of unseen possibilities and challenges alike. And so, in line with that thought, the topic of discussion is related to quantum computing, particularly spin qubits.
Read MoreWe are delighted to inform you that the Physics Society of IISER TVM (PSIT) will be starting off this semester’s activities by our monthly screenings with yet another high rated all time sci-fi classic.
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